5 Winter Skincare Tips You Want To Start Right Now
With winter in full swing, it’s time to tweak your skincare regimen. Winter brings in some cold temperatures and the colder weather, it can make your skin feel dry and dull. The dry heat from heaters and radiators can cause your skin to dry out even more which usually results in irritated, itchy skin. Below are some tips on things you can change to help your skin transition to winter without having too many skin problems.
5 Winter Skincare Tips You Want To Start Right Now
Use a Heavier Moisturizer
A lightweight moisturizer is great in the warmer months when there’s more moisture in the air but once winter rolls around, you’ll want to transition to a heavier moisturizer to keep your skin from getting too dry. Look for something thicker that feels good on the skin and fits your budget! Depending on your preference, there are so many different creams out there. You may have to try out a few until you find the one you love. If you don’t want to use a heavy moisturizer twice a day, consider a lighter one for th mornings and opt for a heavier, thicker cream before bed.
Drink More Water
One of the biggest ways that we can hydrate our skin is from the inside. Drinking more water is so essential for our bodies. Most of us are not drinking enough water and when we drink caffeine, we actually should be drinking more water! Try carrying around a water bottle with you to help you stick to drinking a certain amount of water each day.
Use a Humidifier
Heaters and radiators can really dry out the air in your home. When the air is dry in your home, your skin can start to feel its effects. Humidifiers can help your skin by putting more hydration into the air. They are great for the winter when our skin is feeling the driest.
Vitamin C
Adding Vitamin C to your regimen can really work wonders for dry skin! It tends to really help you in the colder months when our skin is looking dry and dull. It helps combat those pesky SPF rays that aren’t blocked by your sunscreen. It also works to even out your skin pigmentation and helps to boost your collagen production.
Serums and oils are great for giving your skin that extra oomph you may be looking for. There are so many different hydrating serums out there that will help you clear up those pesky dry patches. If you are finding that moisturizers and your everyday products just aren’t cutting it for you, see if there are some hydrating serums that fit your skin’s needs.